What you focus on expands! By this I mean, what you think about all day long, the way you feel throughout the day, what you believe to be true about yourself and the world are all a form of magnetic energy that brings you more of the same.
Optimism, being positive, is a special kind of ENERGY. It is an energy that brings Positive back to you. It is an energy that allows universal blessings to come your way. In times of uncertainty the lesson is belief. Even when you do not know what lies ahead, inside, in your heart you must trust that there is a plan/purpose for your life. Optimism creates self-confidence and self-confidence is necessary in order to become the best you can be!
Worry and fear wreak havoc on your body and life. You have 70-100 trillion cells in your body and each cell is made up of 99.999% space. This space is not a “void” but instead it is energy. This energy, to a large degree, is made up of what you think and feel. Positive thoughts and feelings enhance the cell function and negative thoughts and feelings compromise it. Therefore, instead of worrying, be consciously in each moment, making it a masterpiece! That means crafting each thought, each feeling, each belief, each word, and each action to be for the Highest Good of All!
Remember, whatever you are facing, whatever you talk about, think about, remember, regurgitate, and hold on to, this becomes your reality! Make a list of thoughts and feeling that make you feel good and FOCUS on these things throughout your day.
Nancy Gordon, Ph.D.
National Wellness Consultant, Author, Lecturer, and Coach
Author: The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare: It’s Not What You Think…Actually It Is What You Think!