Scientists have been saying for decades that the world is not a game of craps. Instead there is complete order in the world. Nature is a great example of this. However, this “order” is often disrupted by the energy of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
You see, everything in the Universe IS energy, including your thoughts and feelings! Therefore, what you think and feel throughout the day determines what you will experience and the lessons you will learn. You can create a masterpiece each day once you understand that it is your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that create what is in your life!
Here is a list of things you can do each day to help create what you WANT in your life:
- • Constantly remind yourself that your thoughts create everything in your life!
- • Decide what it is you want and then state it in a POSITIVE way.
- • FEEL what it is like to have or be what you want.
- • Go about your day “acting as if” you have what you want.
- • Be excited about life!
- • Use “I am statements” to describe yourself, your life, etc… (I am successful, I am healthy, I am in a loving, caring relationship.)
- • Remember that all possibilities are ONLY limited by your LIMITED thoughts.
- • Practice being grateful each day…many times a day!
- • Live life today as though your desires are already yours. Be confident and take responsibility for your thoughts, words, feelings, actions, and beliefs!
Add these things to your daily routine…make them part of who you are and what you do! In return you will create an amazing 2019!
Nancy Gordon, Ph.D.
National Wellness Consultant, Author, Lecturer, and Coach
Author: The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare: It’s Not What You Think…Actually It Is What You Think!